Rabu, 28 September 2016

Two things that you have to bring everywhere you go

Two things that i always take adalaha one of them cell phone without cell phone such as living without the feet are not can where which it cell phone a means of communication that there must always be on me to contact my friends and also for social media also i often use as my place saw the news in indonesia , that life i also absent without social media is in fact that i always take him because there we can have a lot of friends and many times i use to hear music the moment i is not the and the moment i being relaxed , cell phone also i use it for photographing areas in sekitaran i when i was doing headed somewhere , cell phone first i have is nokia
The second is wallet, because that are those very important should always are transported because in every wallet there is always personal identity we there also credit card we on save and place menyiman our money, for the man wallet also often in so fashion its own to look the cool and who is frequently in jugakan is also wallet long and many times in damping with a rope chain these are the things i always take where and wherever i go

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